Earl Brandenburg from Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio was born on April 7, 1919, in Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky to Clay Brandenburg (1879-1952) and Callie Hamilton (1892-1986).
Earl Brandenburg (#35449129) enlisted the service on October 12, 1942 in Huntington, West Virginia. Earl took some of his training at Camp Atterbury, Indiana before going to the European Theatre of Operation (ETO) and was a Private in the 83rd Infantry Division, 331st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Hq Company.
On going to Europe, Earl was wounded two times, receiving two Purple Hearts.
Morning Report of July 9, 1944 lists Brandenburg Earl as Lightly Wounded in Action (LWA) and transfered to Hospital unknown (Normandy).
Earl Brandenburg had three siblings, two sisters Dorothy and Bethel, and one brother Robert. He married Florence Johnson on May 3, 1941. Earl Brandenburg died on August 24, 1998 and is buried at Scioto Burial Park, McDermott, Ohio.
Thanks to John Bifano for the marriage record (source: www.ancestry.com)
Earl's father, Clay Brandenburg, was a US Army veteran and served in Troop H, 12th Cavalry from 1901 till 1904.
Thanks to John Bifano for the image of the application for a military headstone for Clay Brandenburg (source: www.ancestry.com)