Lyndon Herman Squires was born in Lyndonville, a small village near the town of Lyndon, in Caledonia County, Vermont, on November 26, 1915 to Herman A. Squires and Alice (DuRocher) Squires.

Lyndon H. Squires entered service in the National Guard on February 6, 1934. On February 24, 1941 he became an officer receiving his gold 2nd Lieutenant bar. After promoting again to 1st Lt. in April 1942 he rose to the rank of Captain by January 21, 1943. It is very likely he assumed command of D Company, 329th Infantry Regiment from this moment on. He stayed with D Company until October 23, 1944. He was then transferred to the 83rd Infantry Division Headquarters. After being in the service for almost three decades he retired on January 31, 1962 as a Major.
"The Stars and Stripes"
Friday, May 24, 1946
"The Bridgeport Post"
Wednesday, April 18, 1951
"The Stars and Stripes"
Wednesday, April 25, 1951
If somebody has some more information on LYNDON H. SQUIRES, please don't hesitate to contact me!!
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