Drawing of Bernard A. Snyder
on the V-mail letter to his wife
done by Walter S. Feldman
Walter S. Feldman was born in 1925 in Lynn, Massachusetts, as the son of the late Hyman and Fannie (Gordon) Feldman. After high school, he became a student at the Yale School of Fine Arts in 1942. After one semester, he joined the Army on June 16, 1943 (#31362271) in Boston, Massachusetts and served for two years, including the Battle of the Bulge. During World War Two, he was a member of Company E, 330th Inf. Regiment.
The Morning Report from January 9, 1945, lists him as SWA (Seriously Wounded in Action) dropped from his assignment to an unknown Evacuation Hospital as of Januari 6, 1945, the Company moved into Lierneux, Belgium at that time.
He reentered Yale in 1946. In 1953, he was appointed to the Art faculty at Brown University, where he served for more than 50 years. Profoundly shaped by his experiences and his injuries as a WWII soldier, which influenced his art throughout his life, Feldman was a constant source of strength, inspiration and courage to all who knew him. Feldman received numerous awards and critical praise spanning a lifetime of achievement over seven decades. His paintings were shown in numerous one-man and group exhibitions in New York, Mexico City, London, Milan, and Boston. Walter Feldman was a Visual Art Professor Emeritus at Brown University. His artist's books are in more than 150 public collections, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Albert and Victoria Museum in London.
Walter Feldman, 92, passed away May 20, 2017 surrounded by his wife of 67 years, Barbara, and his family.