Reading material and news from home was in short supply and welcomed overseas. Populair magazines were send in parcels to the troops where they could catch up on local news, fashions, and entertainment on the homefront

ARMY TALKS was a series of brochures published by the ETO HQ and intended to stimulate the readers thinking. These small magazines offered relevant short stories and general information. They also included "Combat Tips" right, where battle experiences and helpful hints were shared from man, such as show to deal with a King Tiger.
Vol.II No.7
16 Feb 1944

Vol.II No.22
31 May 1944

Vol.II No.35
30 Aug. 1944

Vol.II No.44
18 Nov. 1944

Vol.III No.2
13 Jan. 1945

The INFANTRY JOURNAL was one of the many semi-official service journals pubished for soldiers of a specific arm or service
In order to save on weight and shipping space, some magazines such as NEWSWEEK and TIME published smaller size editions, "Battle Baby" and "Pony", for servicemen overseas. They included the same content as the full-size versions without the advertisements.
Overseas Edition
August 1945

Pony Edition
September 10, 1945

Battle Baby Edition
April 23, 1945

Battle Baby Edition
May 7, 1945

Battle Baby Edition
May 14, 1945

Full-size version
July 24, 1944

Full-size version
July 31, 1944

Full-size version
August 7, 1944

Full-size version
August 14, 1944

Full-size version
August 28, 1944

NEWSWEEK Pacific Edition
August 13, 1945

NEWSWEEK Pacific Edition
September 10, 1945

The famous "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE" featured numerous photo reports in black and white and color on WW2.

JUNE, 1943


JANUARY 19, 1945

The wartime newspaper "Stars and Stripes" was active during most conflicts and can trace it's lineage back to the Civil War. It was reactivated in 1942 as American troops shipped out. First issues were published weekly, followed soon after by daily publications. My examples show European and Paris Editions.
EUROPEAN EDITION - August 5, 1943
PARIS EDITION - May 9, 1945