T/4 Robert E. ''Bob'' Wright

An exceptional man, a Combat Medic of 2nd Battalion 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division during World War 2. A man with an impressive record.
In that D-Day night in 1944 young Wright jumped out of a C-47 Sky train, together with thousands of other US paratroopers, invading Normandy. Most of these troops were not dropped above their appointed landing zones. Spread out over the entire peninsula and almost without exception without their complete gear, they started to move in the direction of their initial targets. In the chaos that reigned, groups of paratroopers (consisting of men out of two Airborne Divisions and all different Regiments) fought against the German occupant. In the beginning only a few of the planned objectives were secured. The inundated swamp like area, with its many streams and overgrown hedgerows turned out to be a nightmare for offensive actions of both armies. In the vicinity of Angoville au Plain the battle raged, with a lot of casualties on both sides and amongst the local civilian population.
Medic Robert E. Wright and his companion Kenneth J. Moore took care of combatants from both sides plus civilian wounded in the local church. When they stumbled on the church during D-Day they posted medical signs around the church to designate it as a field hospital. Wounded troopers were already in the battleworn village that was captured, re-captured and captured again. Wright and Moore would manage the makeshift field hospital for three days. On the second day two Germans came down from the Bell Tower of the church and indicated they wanted to surrender. The medics had no idea that there had been armed soldiers in the Angoville au Plain church ! They had one golden rule: 'No weapons allowed in the church'. That rule was sacred. While the battle raged outside the church of Angoville au Plain was a safe haven for them lucky enough to come out of this battle wounded. The medics gave humane and lifesaving care to more than 80 paratroopers, Germans and civilians.

In 2002 this little French village presented a monument in honor of Robert E. Wright and his companion Kenneth J. Moore. For his actions Wright was presented with the Silver Star Medal.


I met Bob Wright for the first time at the inauguration of the monument to the ''Filty 13''
in Brévands, Normandy, France, June 8, 2008



I have had the honor and the pleasure to meet this extraordinary man a second time
at the ceremony in Angoville-au-Plaine, Normandy, France, June 5, 2010


I meet this extraordinary man a third time at the ceremony in Angoville-au-Plaine, Normandy, France, June 4, 2011