Book 'Ragtag Circus'
Sgt. Louis R. Sandini - Battery B, 322nd Field Artillery.
Copyright Edition 1992 hardcover "Rag Tag Circus" by Louis R. Sandini. This is a great book in excellent new condition. It covers the history of a young man and his adventures in World War II with the 83rd Infantry Division from Camp Atterbury to the end of the war. Louis Sandini was a Sergeant in Battery B of the 322nd Field Artillery. Published Privately, printed in the United States of America and is now 'Out of print'.
I got this book from Paul DiGiammerino, son of Pat DiGiammerino, 323rd Field Artillery Battalion. I met Paul at the 83rd Reunion of 2012 in Nashville, Tennessee.
Sgt. Louis R. Sandini
Louis R. Sandini

Sgt. Louis R. Sandini
Louis Rafaele Sandini was born on February 2, 1915, in Marlborough, Massachusetts, to Pulcheria Egizi and Benedetto Sandini. Both of his parents were born in Italy.
Louis R. Sandini (#31185456) was inducted in the service of the United States on October 15, 1942 at Fort Devens, Massachusetts and began active duty as a Private on October 29, 1942. Louis Sandini served overseas from April 6, 1944 to November 11, 1945. His active service terminated as a Sgt. in Battery B of the 322nd Field Artillery Battalion on November 16, 1945, at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Among other decorations he received the Combat infantry Badge, the Bronze Star Medal, the American Campaign Medal, the WWII Victory Medal and the EAME Campaign Medal with 5 bronze stars for the five Campaigns.
Louis Rafaele Sandini died on August 10, 2002, in Worcester, Massachusetts.