WW1 Dog Tag's
Pvt. Floyd L. Henderson - C Company, 331st Infantry Regiment
Original Dog-Tag's belonged to Private Floyd L. Henderson, a World War One veteran of the 331st Infantry Regiment, part of the 83rd Division.
Private Floyd L. Henderson
Floyd Lester Henderson

Private Floyd Lester Henderson
Floyd Lester Henderson was born on April 6, 1892, in Ryan, Iowa, to Thomas Henderson and Marry Patton, both born in Ireland.
After joining the military he received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant on August 15, 1917 and was later promoted to 1st Lieutenant on January 4, 1918. Sam Howe served with the 322nd Field Artillery for the duration of his time with the military. He went overseas with the 322nd as a part of the AEF on June 12, 1918 and returned after almost a year of service in Europe on May 16, 1919. After the armistice, he was town major in the Army of Occupation in a German village for a year. Shortly after his stateside return 1st. Lt. Howe was honorably discharged on June 9, 1919.
Floyd Henderson married Clara Lucile Kirkpatrick on June 15, 1921. He died on December 11, 1940 and was survived by his wife Clara L. Henderson (1900-1997).