WW1 Letters
Written by Captain Ben S. Walker - F Battery, 324th Field Artillery Battalion
This 3 page letter (6 sides) was written June 30, 1918 by Captain Ben Walker to his sister while stationed in a rest area, somewhere in France with the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF). Ben S. Walker was a member of F Battery, 324th Field Artillery Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division at the time of this letter.
The letter is very interesting and gives some insight into the mind of a member of the AEF. It contains several details about the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean and gives great descriptions of England's people and landscape. Of particular interest is page 1 of the letter which describes going from one place to another in the US and eventually stepping onto the boat. This description can be easily compared with following summary of that period as found in the 324th Field Artillery Regiment Unit History:
The regiment embarked for Camp Mills, from Camp Sherman, Ohio, June 3rd-4th, 1918, and from Camp Mills, N.Y., it embarked on the steamship 'Leicestershire' June 11th, 1918, sailing, as part of a large convoy, for England, June 12th, 1918, arriving there June 23rd, 1918 disembarking at Liverpool, and proceeded by train to Borden, England, where it went into rest camp, remaining not twenty-four hours. It proceeded by train to Southampton, embarked and crossed the Channel to Havre, disembarking there June 27th, 1918, without a single man AWOL, a unique and remarkable record. It stayed in the rest camp for three days, and then proceeded for Bain-le-Bretagne, where it billeted until August 13th, 1918. While there it received its first consignment of six (6) 155mm howitzers. On the 13th it marched to Coetquidan, for artillery practice, and completed same September 21st, 1918. While at Coetquidan it was completelly equipped as a horsed regiment; and outfitted with necessary material. This was the third change in organization, as at this time the regiment was organized as a motor drawn outfit.
Captain Ben S. Walker
Ben S. Walker

Captain Ben S. Walker
During World War 1 Captain Ben S. Walker served as Battery commander of F Battery, 324th Field Artillery Battalion. Together with his unit he left the US from New York City on June 12, 1918 aboard the SS Leicestershire. The 324th continued its training after their arrival in France and went into action late September 1918. On November 11, 1918 the regiment was firing its guns right up until the Armistice order came through. After the end of the war the 324th remained in Europe and crossed the Rhine river to go on Occupation Duty. While in Germany Captain Walker left his unit and returned to the US, departing France from St. Nazaire on December 18, 1918 aboard the Rijndam. At an unkown later time Captain Ben S. Walker was transferred to the 3rd US Corps.