WW1 Letters
Sent by Pfc. Edgar F. Floyd - 2nd Sanitary Squad, 83rd Infantry Division
This is an original censored WWI AEF Post Card dated July 1, 1918 and franked with stamp 'Soldiers Mail. The Card was sent by Pvt. E. F. Floyd to his wife Mrs. E. F. Floyd, R.F.D.#3, Lyons, Green County, Indiana
Private First Class Edgar Francis Floyd
Private First Class
Edgar Francis Floyd

Private First Class Edgar Francis Floyd
Edgar F. Floyd was born on October 31, 1888, in Bloomfield, Indiana to William M. Floyd and Margaret C. Hardisty Floyd. Edgar Floyd (#1962909) enlisted in the Army on December 17, 1917 in Akron, Ohio. Before going overseas, he married Nellie A. Hawkins and moved with her to her homestate of Indiana.
After joining the military Edgar Floyd was assigned to the 315th Sanitary Squad until January 16, 1918 when he transferred to the 34th Sanitary Squad. On April 16, 1918 he went overseas aboard the SS Canopic as part of the 2nd Sanitary Squad, assigned to the 83rd Infantry Division. General Pershing had attached 2 sanitary squads to each division-each consisting of 1 officer, 4 noncommissioned officers, 20 privates, and 2 drivers-plus 1 mobile laboratory consisting of 1 officer and 5 enlisted personnel. After more than one year of overseas service Edgar Floyd returned to the US on June 9, 1919 aboard the SS Manchurian. At that time he was a member of Ambulance company 324, 306th Sanitary Train, 81st Infantry Division. Some time later he received his honorable discharge.