WW1 Enlisted Man Tunic
Sgt First Class Paul E. Thompson - Hq Det 308th Motor Supply Train
Enlisted Men issue olive drab wool 1917 pattern tunic has "US" and "T" collar discs, Sergeant First Class (Quartermaster Corps) rank chevron, two overseas service chevrons, honorable discharge chevron, and a nice gilt bullion embroidered on black wool 83rd Division shoulder insignia. Tunic also has brown vegetable ivory eagle buttons, three different enameled American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) pins (*) and a 'thunderer' whistle on the proper chain with shepherd's hook attachment.
In one of the pockets there was a WWI Pay Record Book named to Paul E. Thompson (#1959256) of the 308th Motor Supply Train, a Sergeant First Class (Quartermaster Corps) rank chevron, and a ribbon of the World War I Victory Medal.
Sergeant First Class Paul Emmet Thompson
Sergeant First Class
Paul Emmet Thompson

Sergeant First Class Paul Emmet Thompson
Paul Emmet Thompson was born on June 21, 1887 to William and Julia Thompson in Scio, Ohio. In 1917 he was drafted into the US Army on October 5, 1917 and reported to Camp Sherman, Ohio where he joined the 83rd Infantry Division (serial number 1959256) . Paul Thompson received his basic training along with the rest of the 83rd at Camp Sherman and was assigned to Hq Detachment, 308th Motor Supply Train as a Private First Class. Along with his unit he arrived overseas on June 13, 1918. He stayed overseas for a little over a year receiving promotions along the way until he reached the rank of Sergeant First Class on May 23, 1919. On July 1, 1919 Paul Thompson left France aboard the SS President Grant as a member of the Army Service Corps. A week after his arrival in the US he received his honorable discharge on July 19, 1919. After his military service Paul Thompson settled in Scio, Ohio and passed away on July 18, 1958 at the age of 71. He currently rests in Grandview Cemetery in Scio, Ohio.

Pocket find pins
Three different enamel pins and Thunderer whistle on its original chain. All three pins are a tribute to Sgt. Thompson's service during World War I. The circular pin on the right also has two inverted overseas chevrons in gold denoting one year of overseas service. The same chevrons can be found on the lower left sleeve of the uniform tunic.

Pay Record Book
Original pay record book of Paul E. Thompson which was found along with the pins and a WW1 victory medal ribbon in one of the pockets.