Unit History Book
Battery C, 324th Field Artillery
Original copy of the Unit History book detailing the Great War story of Battery C of the 324th Field Artillery. This account of K Company's part in this historic achievement was written by Frank L. Zimpfer, sketches by Noble W. Curry and printed after their return back to the United States in 1919. Inside is written the name of the original owner, Glen Coil of Spencerville, Ohio.

Private First Class Glen Coil
Private First Class
Glen Coil

Private First Class Glen Coil
Glen Coil was born in Spencerville, Ohio on April 22, 1895 to Flora Alice Winam (1867-1917) and Lehman Coil (1867-1942).
At the age of 22 he was drafted into the army (1949253) on September 6, 1917. As many other Ohio natives George Barthold was assigned to the 83rd Infantry Division at Camp Sherman, Ohio. After becoming part of the 83rd Barthold was first assigned as a Private to Company K, 332nd Infantry Regiment. With this unit he left the US aboard the SS Aquitania on June 8, 1912 heading for the AEF. While in Italy he was transferred to Company A, 332nd Infantry Regiment with whom he would remain for the rest of his military career. After returning to the US on April 14, 1919 he was honorably discharged two weeks later.
After the war George Barthold married Wilma McElray. He would remain a resident of Steubenville, Ohio until he passed away on October 12, 1972.