V-E Day Letter
Victory In Europe letter 83rd Infantry Division
Original copy of a V-E Day letter from the commander of the 83rd Infantry Division, Major General Robert C. Macon. The letterhead reads Headquarters 83rd Infantry Division, Office of the Commanding General, APO 83, U. S. Army. The Subject is V-E Day, and it is written to All Ranks, 83rd Infantry Division. It is dated 10 May 1945. It is written in 9 parts. First part explains that May 8 1945 was declared V-E day by President Truman, second part describes the 83rd Combat Narrative, and last part speaks of occupation duty and the fact that the US was still at war with Japan and that the Division may be called into service for duty in the Pacific. The letter has some folds and tears, but it was handed out in Europe 67 years ago, and most were probably thrown away. It measures approx. 11 1/2" by 8 1/8"., Thunderbolt or Ohio Division, Letter, Memo, Commanding General, Robert C. Macon.