Identified Envelope
Envelope identified to Pvt. Daniel J. Heaton 13126635 - Hq Company, 83rd Infantry Division
Original WWII Army Cover dated August 9, 1945. The envelop was sent by Pvt. Daniel J. Heaton to Miss G. Heaton, 4919 Florence Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The address the envelope was sent from was APO #83 which was in Horstgen, Germany on this date.
Note that the cover has a 83rd patch sticker.
Pvt. Daniel J. Heaton
Daniel J. Heaton

Private Daniel J. Heaton
Daniel Joseph Heaton was born on August 9, 1908, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Mary C. Magee (1858-) and Daniel Francis Heaton (1880–1937).
Daniel J. Heaton enlisted (#13126635) on October 20, 1942 in Philapelphia, Pennsylvania. The Morning Report of September 27, 1944, listed him as assigned and joined from 83rd Quartermaster Company, 83rd Infantry Division to Hq. Company, 83rd Infantryt Division. Morning Reports from February 22, 1945 report Daniel Heaton Absent without official leave (AWOL) as of 2300, February 20, 1945 and Returned to duty from AWOL as of 1000 on February 21, 1945. Morning Reports from February 22, 1945 report him Absent without official leave as of 2330, February 20, 1945, which corrects MR of February 22, 1945 and Returned to duty from AWOL as of 0200 on February 21, 1945, which corrects MR of February 22, 1945. The reason for this is unknown.
Daniel J. Heaton was married to Catherine Heaton and lived at 534 Hellerman St., Philapelphia, Pennsylvania at the time of his death. He died on March 27, 1959 and is buried at the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Cheltenham, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.