Identified Envelopes
Envelope identified to Meyer Fagelman - A Company, 331st Infantry Regiment
Original WWII Army Covers dated from August 1944 to September 1945. The envelops were sent by Pfc. Meyer Fagelman to wife Grace Fagelman, 15859 Normandy, Detroit, Michigan. The address the envelope was sent from was APO #83 which was somwhere in the ETO on this dates.
Sgt. Meyer Fagelman
Meyer Fagelman

Sergeant Meyer Fagelman
Meyer Fagelman was born on May 19, 1912, in Russia to Fannie Nemoy and Harry Fagelman. He immigrated in 1922 en lived in Detroit, Michigan where he married on October 14, 1940 with Grace Denhoffer who was born in Budapest, Hungary. Previously he had been married to Lilian Axelrod.
Meyer Fagelman entered the military service from Detroit, Michigan. During World War Two, he was a member of the US Army and serving with the 83rd Division, 331st Infantry Regiment, Company A in the ETO. Sergeant Meyer Fagelman was awarded the Silver Star Medal for gallentry in action and disregard for personal safety displayed on April 18, 1945 while his company was in the area of the Elbe River, Germany.
Following the War, he owned and operated Mac's Delicatessen in El Passo, Texas until his retirement. The former Detroiter, was a resident of El Paso since 1948.
Meyer 'Mac' Fagelman passed away on May 25, 2001. His wife Grace passed away on April 3, 1991, in El Paso, Texas, at the age of 71. They had been married 50 years.