Identified Post Card
Post Card identified to Harold E. Gaffney - Service Company, 329th Infantry Regiment
Original Post Card dated February 5, 1945. The postcard was sent by S/Sgt. H. E. Gaffney to Mr. and Mrs. F. Flannigan, West Haven, Connecticut. The address the envelope was sent from was APO #83 which was in Noblon, Belgium on this date. On the front, an apostolic school in Dinant, Belgium, 'Les Missionnaires du Sacré Coeur'.
S/Sgt. Harold E. Gaffney
Staff Sergeant
Harold E. Gaffney

Staff Sergeant Harold E. Gaffney
Harold Eugene Gaffney was born on May 28, 1905 in New Haven County, Connecticut. He attended Gloversville school,had a grammar school education and had 4 years of high school education.
Harold E. Gaffney entered the service as a draftee (#31194610) on October 13, 1942 at Hartford, Connecticut.
Harold Gaffney died at age 67, on June 16, 1972 and is burried at the Saint Marys Cemetery, Hamden, New Haven County, Connecticut.