WW2 Ike Jacket
Pfc. Joseph B. Atchley - 83rd Infantry Division (3rd Army)
Ike Jacket marked with J.B.A. 1852 (A-1852 yielded only 25 hits, Joseph B. Atchley from Tennessee was the only JBA, and the jacket came from Tennessee, so… this Ike belong to Joseph B. Atchley from Sevier County, Tennessee.

The Jacket bears theater made DUIs for the 329th Infantry Regiment of the 83rd Division, a 3rd Army patch and overseas bars, nicely cross-stitched.
Pfc. Joseph B. Atchley
Private First Class
Joseph B. Atchley

Private First Class Joseph B. Atchley
Joseph Birdwell Atchley was born on June 13, 1922, in Sevierville, Tennessee.
Joseph 'J.B.' Atchley survived a tour of duty in Europe with the 83rd Infantry Division. He assigned and joined E Company, 329th Regiment from unknown unit as of August 16, 1944. Non battle casualty and duty to hospital on September 18, 1944 and returned to duty from hospital on September 20, 1944. He Transferred to Regimental HQ Company, 329th Infantry Regiment as of October 15, 1944. Promoted to Private First Class as of January 7, 1945. He transferred back to E Company, 329th Infantry Regiment as of May 29, 1945.
After his active duty, he was given commendations for capturing Nazi War Criminals. He worked at Ryan’s Aeronautical that built lunar landers for the Apollo program. Joseph Atchley graduated from Knoxville Business School and worked in the aircraft industry in San Diego, California for almost 20 years.
Joseph Birdwell Atchley died on February 1, 2005, in Maryville, Tennessee, at the age of 82, and was buried there.