Combat Digest - 2nd Battalion - 329th Infantry

Unit History Book

This is the official book of the 2nd Battalion of the 329th Infantry Regiment. The book contains 90 pages with many photos and drawings and gives a detailed account of this units experiences in Europe during WWII where they fought through the hedgerows of Normandy shortly after D-Day, engaged at the Battle of the Bulge and ended up being the American units closest to Berlin when Germany surrendered. It is printed on low grade paper in Austria immediately after the end of World War Two. Not many books on battalion size units were published and they are exceptionally hard to find.

Printed in the printing-office Oberösterreichischer Landesverslag Ried im Innkreis, Austria, no date, but circa 1945-1946.

click on the images to enlarge

Booklet 330th
Booklet 330th