Thunderbolt Across Europe
Unit History Book of the 83rd Infantry Division
Original book of the History of the 83rd Infantry Division during World War Two. This is the official Unit History Book of the 83rd Infantry Division 1942-1945. Includes 8 folding campaign maps and some photographs. This is the hard to find original version, not a reprint. It still has its original dust jacket which is usually torn or missing. The dust jacket is a bit damaged but It kept the book in great shape. Illustrations by Laszlo Bod, Budapest, Hungary.
By the 83rd Division I & E Section, with narrative written by Sgt. Ernie Hayhow. Printed by F. Bruckmann K.G., Munich, Germany, no date, but circa 1946.
This copy once belonged to Captain Harold V. Felton (#O-1309237) who was with the 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division
Harold V. Felton
Harold V. Felton

Cpt. Harold V. Felton
Harold Victor Felton was born in McArthur, Ohio on March 2, 1917, to Gertrude Edna Dillon and Thomas Jefferson Felton.
Harold V. Felton enlisted in the U.S. Army ... . He joined the 83rd Infantry Division in the ETO. He assigned and joined from 86th Replacement Battalion as of July 15, 1944 Company H of te 330th Regiment as a 1st Lt. He Transferred to D Company, 330th Infantry Regiment as of July 31, 1944. He was Lightly wounded in action and transferred to 96th Evacuation Hospital on December 6, 1944. For his service he was awarded, among other decorations, the Combat Infantryman's Badge, the European African Middle-Eastern Campaign Medal with four Campaign Stars and the Purple Heart Medal for wounds received in the Battle of the Bulge.
Harold Victor Felton married Ferne Rowland on June 19, 1943. He died on December 10, 2009, in McArthur, Ohio, when he was 92 years old. He was survived by his wife, Ferne Felton (1916–2013).