Booklet "The Thunderbolt Division"
Story of the Eighty Third Infantry Division
This is a small Unit History booklet of the 83rd Infantry Division nicknamed "Thunderbolt Division". The booklet was printed for all the members of the 83rd Division. The foreword is written by Major General Robert C. Macon, United States Army Commanding.
This copy once belonged to Sgt. Clarence Balfe (#31194114) who was with E Company, 330th Infantry Regiment.
Sergeant Clarence J. Balfe
Clarence J. Balfe

Sergeant Clarence J. Balfe Jr.
Born in Torrington, July 16, 1920, he was the son of the late Clarence J. (1889–1961) and Katherine (Hayes) Balfe (1887–unknown). He had lived his life in the Torrington/Winsted area.
Clarence Balfe joined the army on October 10, 1942 in Hartford, Connecticut (#31194114). After completing basic training, he was send overseas with E/330 of the 83rd Infantry Division. While stationed in Keele Hall Camp, Staffordshire, England, he was attached to Administrative Section, Divisional HQ, 330th Infantry Regiment as of June 12, 1944. Attached to Divisional HQ Company, 83rd Infantry Division as of July 3, 1944 for rations and promoted to Sergeant as of July 18, 1944. For his service he was awarded, among other decorations, the Combat Infantryman's Badge.
Clarence Joseph "Buddy" Balfe, Jr. married Regina Tate on April 22 1957 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. He passed away on Thursday, April 11, 2013, age 92 at Valerie Manor, following a lengthy illness. He was preceded in death by his wife Regina (1919-1984).