YANK Magazine
YANK Magazine with on the cover Robert E. Leigh B/329th
This YANK Magzine, Continental Edition of January 14, 1945, entiteled "PRESENT ARMS" features Pfc. Robert Leigh and his collection of enemy weapons taken by the 83rd Infantry Division during the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest on the cover. Major story in this YANK is from the Massacre at Malmedy. American soldiers who escaped from the German slaughter tell how guns were turned on medics and unarmed Prisoners of War. The picture for the Yank cover was taken in Gurzenich (Düren), Germany, probably just after the 1st and 2nd Battalion of the 329th Infantry Regiment had taken Gurzenich during the bloody battle of the Hurtgen Forest.
On the cover Private First Class Robert E. Leigh (#33044651) who was with Company B, 329th Infantry Regiment.
Pfc Robert E. Leigh
Private First Class
Robert E. Leigh

Private First Class Robert E. Leigh
Robert Edward Leigh and his twin brother Russell Owen Jr. were born on September 15, 1919, in Washington, District of Columbia to Emma May Clementson (1893–1981) and Russell Owen Leigh (1894–1950). He had a Grammar school education and his occupation was a plumber until he join the Army.
Robert Edward Leigh enlisted in the Army on May 22, 1941, in Richmond City, Virginia, he was 21 years old. Robert Leigh married Nellie Beavers in Elkton, Maryland, on November 2, 1942. In the European Theatre of Operation (ETO), he was a Rifleman, Private First Class in the 83rd Infantry Division, 329st Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, B Company, where he was assigned on July 24, 1944, while the Company was in the vicinity of Sainteny, Normandy, France. For his service he was awarded, among other decorations, the Combat Infantryman's Badge.
Robert Edward Leigh died on January 26, 1996, in Manassas, Virginia, when he was 76 years old. His wife Nellie passed away on January 14, 1986, in Suitland, Maryland, at the age of 69. They had been married 43 years and had four children during their marriage.