Hq 2nd Bn/331st Earl Brandenburg grouping
One of the photo's was named to T/5 Donald G. Ervin (#15320157) who was with Hq Company, 2nd Battalion, 331st Infantry Regiment.
T/5 Donald G. Ervin
Technician 5th Grade
Donald G. Ervin

Technician 5th Grade Donald G. Ervin
Donald Glendon Ervin was born on February 17, 1909, in Wellston, Ohio to Electa M. (1877–1963) and Ora Seldon Ervin (1870–1939). On September 16, 1896 Electa M. Phillips married Ora Seldon Ervin, a prominent farmer of Milton township, and was the mother of 10 children.
Donald 'Don' G. Ervin enlisted on August 8, 1942 at Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio. After basic training at Camp Atterbury, Indiana Pvt. Ervin joined the 83rd Infantry Division, 331st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Hq Company. The 83rd left its camp in June 1943 in order to take part in the Tennessee Maneuvers. Then went to Camp Breckinridge in Kentucky on 9 september 1943 where they continued their training. In preparation for its overseas deployment, the division departed from Camp Shanks in March 1944, then on to the New York port of embarkation in April 1944. He fought his way true France was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge for exemplary conduct in action against the enemy in France (G.O.#11 dtd. August 16, 1944). The morning Reports of October 8, 1944, listed him as promoted to Technician Fifth Grade, dy Armorer (511) as of September 8, 1944. He stayed with his unit for the remainder of the war until he was Honorable Discharge. For his service he was awarded, among other decorations, the Combat Infantryman's Badge and the Good Conduct Medal (G.O.#18 dtd. October 26, 1944).
After the War, he was one of Wellston's well-known and respected residents, he was manager of the Hardware Department of the E.E. Chambers Company for many years and was a retired employee of the Smith-Chambers Company. He was a lifelong resident of the Oak Grove community, east of town Wellston, near Mulga on Mulga Road, having been born in the same home where lived until the time of his death. Donald G. Ervin died on June 2, 1983, at age 74, at Chillicothe Veterans Affairs Medical Center, after two years failing health.