329th Buckshot Unit History
The book was signed by S/Sgt. Gregory G. McCarthy (#36765677) who was with Anti Tank Company, 329th Infantry Regiment.
S/Sgt Gregory G. McCarthy
Staff Sergeant
Gregory G. McCarthy

Staff Sergeant Gregory G. McCarthy
Gregory George McCarthy was born on May 8, 1908, in New Design, Illinois, to Ellen Stella Walsh (1875–1964) and Michael McCarthy (1871–1952). They married in 1899 and had ten children in 19 years.
Gregory G. McCarthy enlisted on August 31, 1944 in San Francisco, California. The Morning Report from October 20, 1944 listed him as assigned en joined AT/329 from HQ/329. Anti-Tank Company of the 329th Regiment was in the vicinty of Henstal, Luxembourg at that time. For his service he was awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge, the European African Middle-Eastern Campaign Medal and the Good Conduct Medal.
Gregory G. McCarthy died on May 2, 1984, in Saint Louis, Missouri, when he was 75 years old. He was survived by his wife Ardell who died on August 5, 2006, when she was 93 years old.