Grouping Leon C. Weiser
Here you can find the men pictured on the photos in the grouping of Leon C. Weiser, Hq and Hq Company, 83rd Infantry Division.
T/Sgt James B. Taylor
Technical Sergeant
James B. Taylor

Technical Sergeant James B. Taylor
James Brock 'Jim' Taylor Jr. was born April 6, 1920 in Asheville, North Carolina. He was the son of the late James Brock Taylor and Alice Thurston Pender. At the young age of two, Jim lost his Dad. At seven years old his mother married the late Judge Edwin Yates Webb and moved to Shelby from Tarboro, NC. He attended Shelby public schools and went to N.C. State College where he was a member of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
Next in Jim’s life came World War II. James B. Taylor lived in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina when he enlisted the service (#34176854) on January 14, 1942 at Fort Bragg, NC. He achieved the rank of Technical Sergeant. He served in the intelligence division of the 83rd Infantry Division Headquarters where he had the opportunity of watching and listening to General George Patton map strategy. He landed in Normandy and saw service in France, Belgium and Luxembourg. After being wounded in Luxembourg, he spent 13 months in Army hospitals. For his service in WWII he was awarded, among other decorations, the Combat Infantry Badge and the Purple Heart Medal. Later in life, he was awarded The French Legion of Honor Medal.
After being discharged, he returned to continue his education at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In 1947 he started his business career with J.P. Stevens Co. in Stanley, returning to Shelby with the Dover Mill in 1950. In 1956 he began his career with Royster Transport Company. He was also a Mason and a Shriner, former member of the Parks and Recreation Commission and former President of the Rotary Club and was honored to receive the Paul Harris Award. He was past President of the following: Cleveland County Cancer Society, Cleveland County Mental Health Association, Cleveland County Boys and Girls Club and served on Piedmont Boy Scout Council. He served as Director and President of the Shelby Chamber of Commerce twice. He was a member of the delegation to Portland, OR when Shelby was named an 'All American City'. Jim was named 'Citizen of the Year' in 1972 by the Shelby Lions Club. He was a member, a director, and President of North Lake Club, in addition, he belonged to Cleveland Country Club, and Blowing Rock Country Club where he served as a director for both clubs. Jim served 16 years as Chairman of Shelby Planning and Zoning Board. He served on the Board of Trustees for Cleveland Memorial Hospital; Board of Trustees, Lees McRae College; and President of the Cleveland Historical Association as well as being the Vice President of Royster Transport Company. Shelby was fortunate to have a clever toastmaster. He was Shelby’s own 'Bob Hope'. Jim was sought after by many organizations for his witty commentary.
James B. Taylor Jr., age 98, died on May 19, 2018 in Shelby, NC. He was preceded in death by his wife of 64 years Elizabeth Royster Taylor (1929-2016)