329th Buckshot Unit History

The book was signed by Pvt. John A. Thoman (#33064274) who was with Cannon Company, 329th Infantry Regiment.

Pvt John A. Thoman

John A. Thoman

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Private John A. Thoman

John Adam Thoman was born on July 27, 1917, in Baltimore, Maryland, to Margaret Kunkel (1885–1931) and Adam Thoman (1878-1936). They had ten children in 12 years. John's mother died on July 12, 1931, in her hometown and five years lather died his father.

John A. 'Johnny' Thoman enlisted in the Army on July 14, 1941, in Baltimore, Maryland. The Morning Report listed Pvt. John A. Thoman as Lightly Wounded in Action and transferred to 42nd Field Hospital on July 27, 1944 while in the vicinty of Carentan, Normandy, France at that time.

John Thoman was never married. He was hurt in World War Two and was disabled. He died on October 24, 1998, in St Petersburg, Florida, when he was 81 years old.

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