Group photo D/329
The photo has the name of 1st Lt. Robert G. Saettler (#O-1304956) who was with Company D, 329th Infantry Regiment.
1st Lt Robert G. Saettler
First Lieutenant
Robert G. Saettler

First Lieutenant Robert G. Saettler
Robert George Saettler was born on January 1, 1914 in Dover, New Jersey to Florence (1889-1975) and Kurt Saettler (1889-1945) who was born in Germany.
Robert G. Saettler entered the service as a draftee (#32061738) on November 29, 1940 at Somerville, New Jersey. He was commissioned as 2nd Lt (#O-1304956) on 21 December 1942 and later promoted to 1st Lt on 4 January 1944. 1st Lt Saettler was assigned to D Company, 329th Infantry Regiment and served as Company Commander from May 5, 1945 until May 31, 1945. For his service he was awarded, among other decorations, the Combat Infantry Badge, the Bronze Star Medal.
After the war he remained with the Reserves eventually retiring as a Captain in October 1951.
Robert G. Saettler died on May 1, 1970.