Pfc. Frederick E. Harrison Sr.
83rd Reconaissance Troop, 83rd Infantry Division
June 14, 1924 - February 3, 2017
Pfc. Frederick E. Harrison Sr.
83rd Reconaissance Troop
83rd Infantry Division
Awards and decorations

Biography and Wartime Service
Frederick Ernest Harrison was born on June 14, 1924 and volunteered for military service only a few months after his 18th birthday. On October 20, 1942 he enlisted in the military and was assigned to the 83rd Recon Troop, receiving his training at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. Fred Harrison went overseas as part of the 83rd Recon Troop and fought with them through Normandy, France, Luxembourg and into Germany receiving a Purple Heart for wounds and a Bronze Star Medal. At the 2014 Reunion he was awarded the French Legion of Honor at a special ceremony in the WW2 Museum in New Orleans, honoring his service in France during WW2.
After his discharge from the military he returned home and would eventually marry Rita Costello. Together with his son Fred Jr., he was a regular attendee of the 83rd Association Reunions up to his death on February 3, 2017.
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