YANK Magazine

YANK Magazines with the 'Merry Christmas' Covers

After the first issue of Yank mid-1942, the magazine published three total "Christmas Editions". One for each Christmas spend during wartime. The 1942 issue featured a soldier on mopping duty looking at 1st Sgt. Santa. (Note: in 1942, the 1st Sgt. chevron only had two rockers on the bottom as opposed to three later in the war). In 1943, a total of three different illustrations were published. The most used one shows Santa & Pvt. Snafu as members of the airborne troops. The British edition features a rustic Christmas scene, while the Persian Gulf Edition has a picture of Santa on camelback! The 1944 illustration, which was used for nine different Yank editions, both in color and black & white, was drawn by the famous Sgt. George Baker. The sad sack has once again drawn the short straw and is carrying around General Santa's bag.

Below are listed all different issues from my YANK magazine Christmas collection, as well as the few I'm still looking for.

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