Identified Letters Grouping
Letters identified to Pfc. Rex H. Hamby - A Company, 308th Engineer Combat Battalion
Grouping of Fourteen original WWII letters written by an American soldier, Pfc. Rex H. Hamby. The grouping includes some very good letters written in Belgium, both during and shortly after the Battle of the Bulge. The first and earliest letter was written in April 1944 at the Port of Embarkation in New York as Rex Hamby prepared to depart for service overseas. The second, to the eighth inclusive, of the letters are frontline letters. The first three letters are written at the front in Europe in September 1944. Two of these were written in Luxembourg in November 1944. One was written in Belgium in January 1945, and two were written in Belgium in February 1945. The remaining four letters were written after VE Day. Two of these were written in May 1945, shortly after the German surrender. One was written in Deggendorf, Germany in July 1945, the last one was written in Germany in August 1945. There is excellent content in these letters, much of it quite emotional and moving.
Please note that Rex Hamby was a poor speller. Where I have transcribed the letter in this listing I have made some very minor corrections to some of the spelling and punctuation. I have taken care not to alter Hamby's meaning in any way.
Pfc. Rex H. Hamby
Private First Class
Rex H. Hamby

Private First Class Rex H. Hamby
Rex Herman Hamby was born on June 5, 1916, in Ava, Missouri toe Edtith Trances Robertson (1895-1973) and Ernest Herman Homby (1891-1980).
Rex H. Hamby entered the service as a draftee (#37051324) on February 17, 1941 at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri.
After the war, Rex Hamby maried Inez Cullum Birdsong.He died at age 75, on February 11, 1992 in Chula Vista, California and was preceaded by his wife Inez Hamby (1916-1991).

Columbarium for Rex and Inez Hamby.